


Well, here is a few things that makes me happy.

Pia, (+choclate cake<3)

Agnes, Emelie and Stina.

Sara (and a dog)

My fotball team, (With Joannah in the front..)
So, my friends (the ones who isn´t on any of the pictures to), amimals, cake and football.. and ofc..

..almost 55cm snow, (on one night.. the swedish winter you know;])
Hello again, now I´m back. (-you don´t say.. -Yes I do) but I´ve done so little this past few days, so I don´t really have anything to tell you. (But yes I have small dialoges with my self, in my head..)
Yesterday I played with f17 against rönnskär, we lost with 2-0, but you can´t blame me, I just played like 15-20 min..
And I will soon publish the word-related photos, if you haven´t commented, just scroll down to my 15th post and do it.
(do anyone get the symbolism?)
I'm sorry I don´t blog, but I can´t really bear with my thoughts, my self or my life right now. I feel like a sinking, abandoned boat.
I´m checking out some old pictures on me and some other girrrrrrrrrrrrrls, LOVE!!!!!
But I´m not going to show them to you, they´re to good looking.. or wait..
this works;]
(I want sweeeeeeeets but I don´t have any money, FUCK LIFE!)
exactly the same ting as I did when I wrote my last post.. I have so much of a life...
But since I have nothing of intrest to tell you I´ll just show you some random pictures until something new happens.

I just got an idea, you can comment with one word, a color or something like that, and then I´ll publish a photo that I thinks fit with the word. So comment?:D

I think it´s kind of funny that one of our appletrees have like two apples and the other one has so many that we can´t eat them all.
I´m going to blame this post on the fact that I´ve slept like four hours last night (reading), so I´m not so alert right now.
I must say that my last post was a little unnecessary..
Whatever, today we got homework in Spanish, it´s not so much.. like 25 words (at maximum) and tre text blocks. Later, like 5, I´ll go to the teamgathering(?) and then go to Myckle and play a footballgame with the F17 team. It´ll be nice. Btw, the game I played in monday was a draw, 2-2. We play in blue.
A picture from the game, taken by my dad(with my camera).
Talking about reading, I´ve newly finished Arabian Nights or, in swedish, Tusen och en natt. Wellwell, adios amigos;]

8 portions.
100g butter
2.5 cups sugar
2 eggs
1.5 cups flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 tablespoons cocoa
1. Set the oven at 175 degrees.
2. Melt the butter and mix it with sugar.
3. Stir in one egg at a time.
4. Mix the flour, vanilla and cocoa.
5. Pour the batter into a form with a removable rim, about 22 cm in diameter.
6. Bake for 20-25 minutes depending on oven. It should be sticky.
7. Let cool and serve with lightly whipped cream. (Raspberries also taste very good with it.)
And here´s the result:


Tonight I have a footballgame, wish me luck;*
Hello, I´ve been to my sisters football game. They lost, with 5-2. But they played quite good. Here´s two pictures from the game. (They played in orange)
I just wanted to tell you this, so I´ll write later..

svenska finns det nått som heter
Answer: I know, and can you imagine, there is something called English too. But I suppose you didn´t know that? Btw, I think it´s kind of cowardly to leave anonymous comments.. you can atleast write your first name. Oh, and it isn´t nått it´s något..
Today i´ve been with Pia, we played a game of Othello and talked about school, books, movies and other stuff. But now my mum is standing and yelling at me, so I´ll have to go and vaccuming the house.. I´m such a good daughter.



The rain mixed with tears flowing down my face. I'm dead inside. My heart is crushed, pulverized. I can´t do it anymore. How can a person do like this to someone they said that they care about. How could she leave me alone with myself. How could she just abandon me in my most difficult moments. Perhaps this was her goal. To crush my heart so I will never dare to love again. If it were so, she has probably succeeded. I will be like a wounded animal that pulls away from those who will try to help. I thought she was carrying something beautiful, something that could heal the cracks in me. But she carried on an evil that has crushed everything bright and happy within me and just left behind the remains of what I once was. The only thing she has brought me is a thorn where my heart used to sit, a thorn no one will be able to remove.
Hello, yesterday when I got home from my grandparents I felt like writing, I just took out an old writingbook and less than an hour later I´d written five A4 pages.. Usually I never know how to begin, but now it just came. At the moment I´ve written more than eight pages. I think it´s kind of funny. I´ll might write the story here if I´m happy about the way it turnes out.
Today I´ve written a little and then been sitting by the computer. It has been raining all day so I doubt I´ll be leaving the house, but soon I think I´ll watch a movie with my sister, probably The Return of the King or a Harry Potter movie..
This picture is taken at my grandparents, with my old camera.
Anyway, now I´m checking facebook and talking to a girl, Maria. I met her on a writing course a couple of years ago. We discuss bad teachers, school subjects and other stuff like that.. interesting, right;) Now I´ll probably do this for a while, then I guess I´ll read, I´ve just finished The NeverEnding story so I´ll begin on a new book, I think it´ll be Boneshaker by Cherie Priest, I´ve borrowed that book from my uncle. (Everyone must find this very interesting)
Tomorrow my mum, my little sister Hanna and I will go to my grandparents in thier holiday home. I´ll bring my camera and if it doesn´t rain all the time I´ll try to go out and take some pictures, otherwise I´ll just have food and maybe a deck of card to shoot.. and that´s not so funny pictures. But I guess I´ll update tomorrow night.
See you<3

Hello, my name is Emma. I´m 14 years and I love my life. Oh, whait that wasn´t quite right..
The truth is that I have bad confidence, I´m verry ugly, I´m a bookworm.. I´m also a wiseacre.. So I barely have any friends. You wanna be me? No, I didn´t think so.
Wellwell, however, I will be writing here so if you´d like to you can read it and laugh at me. I´ll be writing verry different kinds of texts, everything from poems and short stories to really boring texts about my life. Well, I have at least warned you..
Prepare to be bored.
Btw, I will also publish photos (like this). If I don´t say anything it´s taken by me. It´s of course copyright on them.
Oh, if anyone cares I´m from the small town Skellefteå in northern Sweden and I´m writing on english just for the fun of it. But now I will go to one of my three friends and bake a cake..;D